Do you ever feel like the world has been in a horrible spiral for the last few years like it is one thing after another? The way some of these events have been coming at us or the human race one after another, doesn't even seem like it could be real…
When I first started this project, show, or whatever we are calling it today, I know I had a lot of work ahead of me. I knew that the stories and topics would not be short. But, were they all going to be good? Or were some going to fall flat? Well, …
Have you ever been so busy that you can't get anything done? You want to rest yet you know you have to get everything done in a short amount of time. So you begin to do a project and yet you don't get very far? Maybe that is why I couldn't sle…
Rough days come and go, some of those days are long and exhausting. That's life so we just deal and move on. But, what happens when it is something that just dose not sit right with you? Like you have played back the moment in your head over a…
Here is something that might blow your mind, school is important. No for real, no joke. Not the way you are thinking of though. Sure the learning process,grades and so on are the obvious reasons. But, what about the not so obvious? The little …
You have seen the videos off crazy people jumping in a hole that was cut out of thick ice. Snow around them and the water is cold it's black. It goes by many names, "The Polar Bear Plunge" or "Ice Dive" whatever they choose to name it, the result is…
This past week I was a guest on the Notes McGotes Podcast, two guy's from my home state of Michigan that take a deep dive into albums of all genres and styles. I mean from the Encanto Soundtrack to DMX. I have been following them for at least a year…
The art of having a guest on your show is more complicated than it sounds. People think that you just shoot someone an email,set up a date and time and go. I can tell you first hand that it is not that simple. Besides the obvious challenges of deali…
I got my first ink done when I was 16 years old, yeah I know I should not have been able to do it but...I have a way. I remember "researching" different locations near to me so I could at least try and do this the correct and safe way. Which by the …
When I first moved to Texas I was all about learning the area. The places to check out, the food, where not to go and so on. Of course I usually ended up checking out some of the places that were on the " do not go" list. Some of them were great but…