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March 3, 2022

School Is Important

School Is Important

Here is something  that might blow your mind, school is important. No for real, no joke. Not the way you are thinking of though. Sure the learning process,grades and so on are the obvious reasons. But, what about the not so obvious? The little tiny things that are planted in your mind and don't' come into bloom until you are ready to hear or see them.


In the most podcast I went back and looked at fields trips I had over the years. As I was recording I realized that I remembered more than I thought I did. Details that might not matter and made for a great show but, other things struck me odd. The feelings I had while speaking of those times. The feelings I had on the day of and as I told the stories. I am 43 now and who knows when the last field trip I took was, but yet here I am...excited. See school is important and if you don't realize it then, you will one day.