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Feb. 4, 2022

Snow Day

Snow Day

I know that Texas does not typically get the weather that Detroit did, but when it get close or sort of close....they shut down. So yesterday was a snow day for me. At first I was a little excited about the chance to stay home and get things done. And don't get me wrong, I did just that. I wrote a lot for MovieWeb, worked on the podcast and ordered some new merch. I cleaned and worked out. It felt great. But the day after when you have to go to work, you don't want to at all. You are hoping for another snow day, a slight chance that you will not have to be there. 


So you do the right thing and go to work, you stay when you don't want to because that is what you do. I kind of wish my snow day was on my day's off actually, the week is all sorts of messed up now.

