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April 28, 2022

The Ever Growing Podcast

The Ever Growing Podcast

When I first started this project, show, or whatever we are calling it today, I know I had a lot of work ahead of me. I knew that the stories and topics would not be short. But, were they all going to be good? Or were some going to fall flat? Well, I can tell you that some have fallen flat. It is never the ones you think will either. I mean I have put out some great shows and it's always the ones that I least expected to just not work out.



And then just like that, you get a rand resurgence from shows you did a year ago. The topics become more relevant or interesting to people, or maybe the audience decides to go back to the start. Whatever the case it proves that you should go with your gut when you are putting together a podcast. It's a huge world of choices out there and just because it doesn't stick to one person, doesn't mean that the rest of the people out there won't find it.