The end of season 5 is here and I just wanted to talk about why I love Halloween so much and what it means for me or has over the years
Halloween is my favorite time of year ( clearly) but this year I wanted to do something very different. Instead it looking at traditions and movies , I wanted to discuss real life experiences that I have been a part …
Time to go back to 5th grade camp! The paint ball battle, the dance, hiking eating ants and more! Take a trip with me to the good old days.
Looking at life, friendships how they start and how important they are.
Every month I take a story from my past and tell it. Fun, sad, scary and intense. Just something from The Life of an Average Joe. This month it’s all about the clowns and the fact that I can’t stand …
In the second part of my perception series I discuss how important it is to be real, to look at yourself and know the real you.
What is everyone’s perception of you? Does it even matter? What is your view on yourself?
Over the years I spent a lot of time in Chicago and made a lot of friends. One in particular was Paulie. A great friend and man. Someone who would stay up late to talk about anything you want and …
The monthly segment pulls random stories from my life. In this episode it’s all about who walked into my bar