This back and forth with the time is insane. Why are we still doing this? Like really?
Why even make a sequel when you aren't even trying. Its bad enough that the original voice actors ( for the most part) are not in the film, you also have a generic story with bad jokes
We love movies and this week we went and looked at some of the best movie lines in history
Making a doctors appointment shouldn't be so difficult
Homeschooling is dedication and certainly has some major plus's but, it's not for everyone.
The series finale kicked off this week with a three episode premiere. Lots of action and foreshadowing in the first three episodes
Who need's more time for exercise? Or for laundry? Vacation? Kids? How about just more time in general? This week we talk about time and finding the time whenever and however we can
Sony's next movie is not connected to the MCU and not connected to its own Spiderverse or Sony-Verse or whatever is going on.
Who hasn't played the 3 wish game? You know if you ever find that magic lamp?
The craze needs to be done with and if you are part of it, yeah you gotta stop.
This week we are looking at sports but not teams playing in the big game. We are looking at the dark side of sports
Ever have those nights or weeks when you can't sleep? You just wake up at different times throughout the night and have zero clue why?
Yes I am still in the car but, we are talking spices and spicy food.
Went out for a run and met a crazy mom today.
It's time to talk football and although we recorded this prior before the games this past weekend, we got a lot to talk about. Sorry Dallas